Mutual understanding and coexistence, among the objectives of the Abraham Accords

Firma de los Acuerdos de Abraham en la Casa Blanca (15/09/2

The signing of the so-called Abraham Accords between representatives of the Governments of Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain took place on September 15, 2020, at the White House, the official residence of the President of the United States. These documents set in motion a series of joint initiatives between Israel and the Arabic Gulf emirates. Despite their geopolitical significance, these agreements also have implications in fields such as science, culture, and education.

The peace treaties known as the Abraham Accords were signed in Washington on September 15, 2020, despite the fact that they were officially concluded on August 13, 2020.

The ceremony held on the White House lawn was attended by the then President of the United States, Donald Trumpas host; Benjamin NetanyahuPrime Minister of Israel; Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyanas Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates; and Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayanias the Foreign Minister of Bahrain.

The Accords of Abraham, the official name of these peace treaties between the Jewish state and the Arabian Gulf emirates, is especially significant because it refers to the prophet, who is revered by both Muslims and Jews, and whose respective dynastic lines are descended from two sons of Abraham:: Isaac (Judaism) and Ismael or Ibrahim (Islam).

Because of the importance and historical significance of these Agreements, media coverage has been entirely focused on the political aspect. However, they cover a much broader range of topics, including science, technology, culture, education, the environment, sports, and tourism.

The following is asserted in the statement signed by representatives from the United States, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain:
“We seek tolerance and respect for all people to make this world a place where everyone can enjoy a life of dignity and hope, regardless of race, faith or ethnicity.

We support science, art, medicine and commerce to inspire humanity, maximize its potential and bring nations closer together.”
These aspirations, which are entirely consistent with the goals of the FICRT Foundation, are detailed in the text of the Agreements signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Thus, its preamble refers to Abraham, the prophet after whom the Agreements are named:
“Recognizing that the Arab and Jewish peoples are descendants of a common ancestor, Abraham, and inspired, in that spirit, to foster in the Middle East a reality in which Muslims, Jews, Christians and peoples of all faiths, denominations, beliefs and nationalities live in, and are committed to, a spirit of coexistence, mutual understanding and mutual respect”..
However, it is point 6 of the bilateral agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates that is the most intriguing and best demonstrates the breadth of the agreement:

“(6) Mutual understanding and coexistence:
The Parties undertake to foster mutual understanding, respect, co-existence and a culture ofpeace between their societies in the spirit of their common ancestor, Abraham, and the new era of peace and friendly relations ushered in by this Treaty, including by cultivating people-to-people programs, interfaith dialogue and cultural, academic, youth, scientific, and other exchanges between their peoples.
They shall conclude and implement the necessary visa and consular services agreements and arrangements so as to facilitate efficient and secure travel for their respective nationals to the territory of each other.

The Parties shall work together to counter extremism, which promotes hatred and division, and terrorism and its justifications, including by preventing radicalization and recruitment and by combating incitement and discrimination.
They shall work towards establishing a High-Level Joint Forum for Peace and Co-Existence dedicated to advancing these goals”.

FICRT-compatible objectives

All of the Abraham Agreements’ objectives are fully compatible with those of the FICRT Foundation.
“Our Foundation is committed to supporting the values of human brotherhood, encouraging dialogue between religions to materialise the message of peace, mutual understanding, and acceptance of the other”, says its president, Jumaa AlKaabi.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the FICRT Foundation places special emphasis on the figure of the prophet Abraham. Indeed, one of its main annual activities is the hosting of a forum that brings together representatives from the Abrahamic family of religions (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) to discuss interfaith dialogue.

This year’s forum was held in Cordoba, a city with a special history of peaceful coexistence and understanding among the three Abrahamic religions. Its first edition was held in May of last year in Cordoba, Spain. Cordoba is a city of special significance because of its history of peaceful coexistence and understanding between the three Abrahamic religions.

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